The Blog

TN HIMSS HIT Accelerator Marches On

TN HIMSS HIT Accelerator Marches On

By Eric Thrailkill, TN HIMSS President and SVP of BI and AnalyticsEnvision Healthcare Under the leadership of VP of Education and BOD Member, Will Rice, the Tennessee HIMSS HIT Accelerator marches on through the Spring Semester I had the opportunity to visit with the...

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Telehealth and Its Impact on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Telehealth and Its Impact on the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Josh Scales, Manager/Healthcare Consultant at LBMC Since the emergence of the COVID-19 virus, healthcare providers across the country have rallied together to stop the spread of the virus. For providers, telehealth has been a very important tool when managing the...

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How Can Health IT Help In The COVID-19 Battle

How Can Health IT Help In The COVID-19 Battle

From telehealth to data analytics to artificial intelligence, how will Health IT contribute to the COVID-19 battle? Tell us your thoughts in this running blog. The “Apollo 13” scene where NASA engineers are challenged to repurpose a CO2 filter — “We have to...

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Find Out What HIT Week Means To Your Colleagues

Find Out What HIT Week Means To Your Colleagues

What does HIT Week mean to you? Healthcare technology has the power to transform and evolve our industry for the better. In one of the most complex industries in the world, wrought with inefficiencies, lack of care coordination, rising costs, and sub-optimal levels of...

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