Sep 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
By DJ King, Principal at Altitude Ventures and TN HIMSS Advocacy Committee Member On September 26, TN HIMSS joined state and local leaders for the unveiling of Nashville Health’s 2019 Nashville Community Health and Well-being Survey. This is the first...
Sep 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
By Tod Fetherling, President & CEO of Perception Health/TN HIMSS President Elect The Nashville Analytics Summit hosted by the Nashville Technology Council in partnership with TNHIMSS created a healthcare focused track. The two-day event was a success by all...
Sep 22, 2019 | Uncategorized
This week — September 23-27 — is National HIT Week and this year’s theme is Supporting Healthy Communities. Supporting Healthy Communities requires the same level of coordination, cooperation, and connectivity among healthcare individual stakeholders...
Sep 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
What does HIT Week mean to you? Healthcare technology has the power to transform and evolve our industry for the better. In one of the most complex industries in the world, wrought with inefficiencies, lack of care coordination, rising costs, and sub-optimal levels of...
Sep 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
By Josh Harvey, CPHIMS; TN HIMSS Advocacy Committee Member; Director, Health IT Policy & Strategy, HCA Healthcare Since 2006, health IT advocates have raised their voices in unison to demonstrate the power and promise of information and technology to transform our...